In addition to your one-on-one Coaching sessions, your PI COACH Jim Nanos has assembled a suggested books list that he recommends purchasing to be used as future reference materials.

Jim will always be available to future calls and “check in’s”
nothing can fully take the place of your personal PI COACH,but for those “in between” times, suggested reading from subject matter experts who Jim personally knows and recommends can be beneficial.
Of particular note and a “must have” for every private investigators book shelf, is the series authored by the original PI COACH, John Hoda.
Jim and John developed a personal and professional bond that ultimately led to Jim being handed the baton from John and becoming your PI COACH. John’s books are a great
resource and tool that are very relevant and can be referenced for years to come!
In addition, Jim has added other books and reference materials all of which can be obtained through Jim. Don’t forget to ask for specifics and availability during one of your coaching sessions!

How to ROCKET Your Private Investigation Business:
The complete four book series
The complete series contains everything you need to learn about the business of launching, marketing and boosting your Private Investigation company. This book contains all three how-to books in the series. Written by veteran Private Investigator John A. Hoda, CLI, CLE, specifically for persons wanting to get into the business or for practicing private investigators who want to improve their business and marketing skills. Critically acclaimed by industry veterans, Hoda illustrates several different approaches to achieving success and maintaining a sane work/life balance. The checklists are worth the purchase alone.

How to LAUNCH your Private Investigation Business
Thinking of starting your own Private Investigation Business? Want to take your pension from the police department or government service, but you not sure how to turn your investigative expertise into a successful second career? Veteran investigator John A. Hoda talks you through the entire launch sequence from planning and design to lift-off. This is a book specifically for persons wanting to become a private investigator. First or second-year private investigators, who want to restart their business on the fly, can benefit from studying this book as well. There are plenty of books on starting your own business, but what may work for a pizza shop or a pest control company may not work for the business model you want to create. Hoda applies sound business practices for Private Investigators who will specialize across the spectrum of different customer needs. This is not a one-size fits-all ‘look at how I did it’ narrow memoir. The 90 day countdown alone is worth the price of the book.

How to MARKET Your Private Investigation Business
You are a great investigator or have a great team working for you. Why isn’t the phone ringing off the hook? You offer good service at a fair price. Why are you struggling to make ends meet? Veteran Investigator John A. Hoda has a marketing plan for you; one that won’t break the bank or turn you into a sleazy used-car salesman. His focus is on private investigators working in all the different business configurations. Why start with less than 5 hours a week? The marketing that you do is better than the marketing you should do, but don’t. He will help you design a SMART plan that you can scale and replicate. The sections on referrals, testimonials and upselling is worth the purchase of the book.

How to BOOST your Private Investigation Business
Making $1,000 every working day as a PI is an achievable goal. How can you start doing so? Slogging every day just to make ends meet? Working long hours with no time for yourself? Maybe things are going well and you want to take your company to the next level. How would you sell your company when the time comes? Do you have an exit strategy.? Veteran Private Investigator John A. Hoda writes exclusively for Private Investigators. What might work for a Pizza shop or a Pest Control company may not work for your unique situation. He does not preach a one-size fits-all message and instead covers the broad spectrum of business models to give you a la carte selection to choose from. Several sections drill deep into employee hiring and supervision. The checklists alone are worth the price of the book. You can “boost” your business to the next level starting today.